Friday, April 15, 2005

Gaming-ey goodness


Star and Myrna and I had a lovely night out together yesterday. We went to see Born Into Brothels, which was fascinating, then supper & BP's.

At BP's I had Brian talk to me about a game he and Levi had been talking about, and (after cringing at some of the things he was talking about doing therein) got to give him the lowdown on why conflict resolution is good, and developed with him (actually, mostly at him) a variant on Dogs in the Vineyard's core mechanic adapted for LARP play involving assorted spirits and figures from myth. And it not only sounds workable, but has some neat elegances to it which come from the adaptation. For instance, in place of dice the instruction to players is likely to be "Bring a deck of playing cards for yourself. Build it however you like, so long as it includes one complete suit and is at least X cards. You could fill the rest with assorted copies of the eight of clubs if you really want." Neat stuff. I'll be trying to write that up for Brian at some point soon.

Then, I get not one but two scrumptious new RPGs within the last nine hours or so. Huzzah! First, last night when we got home from a lovely night out (), I got to unwrap my shiny new copy of Primetime Adventures. Yum. Not a game I'd have bought on my own, from the cover blurb... but one which people I highly respect have done absolutely amazing things with, containing some nuggets of serious genius.

Then this morning Ben Lehmann sent me a sparkly copy of the new edition of Polaris, which is marked, Rough Draft Just Especially for Eric. Apr 16/05. If you aren’t Eric Finley, why are you reading this? I mean, maybe you’re in his group. Thanks, Ben! I'll treasure this. Any of the Friday crew who may read this in the course of their blog-reading today, I'm running this tonight come hell or high water. If you want in, call it. Spots are limited.