Sunday, July 31, 2005

Playtested and Lauded

Last night's playtest of The Last Supper rocked. As Christ, I was supported by the ever-faithful Judas, doubted by Jude, played referee between two Simons writing incompatible Bibles, had my church founded by Doubting Thomas, and was ultimately betrayed by (of all people) Philip. Let his name be as ashes in our mouths. Overall the game was a lot of stress but a lot of fun; Christ's role is very tricky, and the whole thing needs incentives to make the resulting world less a rehash of our own and more fascinatingly strange, and also needs more conversation-strikers like the "one of you will betray me" speech. Cards need to flow more freely and the order of certain events during play may need to be reconsidered. It's long, but aborts very well... if you simply lift the restrictions preventing the endgame scenes from triggering, then it all wraps up tidily starting from wherever you'd managed to get.

As good a first playtest as I have ever had, frankly. Draining!

Then when we were done (at 2AM), I got to come to the computer and check the final rankings in the competition. The winner is a game by Mischa Krilov called 1984 Prime, which is about fifties/sixties-sensibility young hopefuls emerging from fallout shelters into a post-apocalyptic world; the two runner-ups are Beneath a High Pillow by Jason Petrasko, which is about prohibition-era mob power struggles, and ... The Last Supper by yours truly. Woot! Honorable mentions include The City of Brass and Bacchanalia, two of my personal faves from the contest and the two that I really want to try out sometime soon.

All in all, it was a good evening to be Jesus.